Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Extended Blog Roll

Ok so instead of just throwing up a blog roll on the side of my page without much explanation I decided it would be best and would do the most justice to introduce these few blogs this way. All these blogs are a part of my daily reading and if you are an NBA fan and want to be informed..these are things you need to be reading. Before we get into that though, I would like to offer some quick thoughts on the blogging world and how I feel about it..and let's be honest, who doesn't want to read the thoughts of an uninformed writer?

Well it all started about a year ago. I came across the blog Truehoop which I'll go into more detail later on. I began reading this blog daily and quickly came to realize that what I enjoy doing in life is watching basketball at night, then waking up, reading content on the previous nights games, and then forming my own opinions on things. Thats when I realized thats roughly what the author of truehoop, Henry Abbott, does for a living. So thats when I began to formulate the idea of doing this myself for a living. I'm not quite there yet, but you never know. Anyways, I think we are at a truly special time for sports. The internet has become such a haven for well informed, smart people just digesting these games and then spitting out info from the games for us to consume. ESPN has their writers and analysts writing blogs and issuing chats weekly. Now most of them have twitters where they are constantly releasing insight onto us all. You have people managing blogs for their own personal team which have just post after post which are loaded with facts and content for people to consume.

The beauty of this all is unlike newspapers you have that little button underneath almost every article you can read called "comment". Basically what this is doing is now allowing people to form their own opinions and engage in thoughtful discussion with others. Here's what I've come to realize...I love basketball more than anything in this world, thus conversely, I love to talk about basketball more than anything else. I've ran into a problem though trying to discuss basketball with someone less passionate as me and it just doesn't work out as well. What these blogs and twitter and those type applications are doing, is connecting people to other people who have similiar interests. That's really the amazing thing to me about these blogs is it's opening my eyes to just how many people there are out there as fanatical about basketball as I am. Well those were just some of the words I wanted to get off my chest about the blogging world and now without further ado, I give you my blog roll.

Truehoop - Granted if you've found my site, there is a good chance that you know of this site. But in the off chance that you don't, I'm going to give Truehoop its credit. An amazing site, updated regulary throughout the day. Smart posts that analyze both x's and o's of basketball as well as other issues in today's game. What this site has also done is create a network of other blogs. So by going to this site not only are you getting information from Truehoop you are getting information from a host of other blogs which currently has a network of 26 other blogs.

Rethinking Basketball - Very interesting blog that I acutally just came across lately. Pretty self explanatory. It tries to look at different issues in bball beside the x's and o's. It has a lot of content about the WNBA which is interesting. The site actually does a much better job than I about blogging and sports, and as soon as their site is cooperating with me I'll link it.

Basketball Coaching and Youth Basketball - If you are a coach and especially a youth basketball coach this is definitely a must read. Brian McCormick has a lot of innovative ideas about coaching and developing players. Very insightful and like I said, a must read for coaches and basketball enthusiasts the like.

Blog Maverick - After all the crazy antics you may see Mark Cuban portraying courtside during a Mavericks game, you'll find a truly brilliant man. Reading some of his posts you find out just how smart and business savvy he actually is. Not that I'm surprised considering he is a billionaire. But again a must read for people involved in business or sports.

For now these are all the blogs I am going to highlight. What I'm going to be doing from time to time is highlighting any other blogs that I feel you should be reading as a basketball enthusiast. I also will give a twitter rundown of people to follow on twitter. From here on out you will now be able to find my full blog roll on the right side of blog underneath the archives section. Otherwise thats it for today, keep up the faith! 1000 hours.

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